工作经历 |
2020-01 至 今, bat365官网登录入口, 数学与统计学院, 副教授; 2013-07 至 2019-12, bat365官网登录入口, 数学与统计学院, 讲师; 2014-07 至 2017-10, 香港理工大学, 博后
研究领域 |
科研成果 |
<p> "[1] Han Yu, Luo Ling*, Xie Bin, Xu Chen*. A nonparametric histogram segmentation based automatic detection of yarns. Textile Research Journal, 2020. (SCI) <br>[2] Xu Chen, Han Yu*, Baciu George, Li Min. Intrinsic image decomposition based fabric image recolorization, Textile Research Journal, 2019, 89(17): 3617-3631. (SCI) <br>[3] Han Yu*, Xu Chen, Baciu George, Li Min. Cartoon and texture decomposition based color transfer for fabric images, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2017, 19(1): 80-92. (SCI) <br>[4] Han Yu*, Xu Chen, Baciu George. A variational based smart segmentation model for speckled images, Neurocomputing, 2016, 178: 62-70.(SCI) <br>[5] Han Yu*, Xu Chen, Baciu George, Li Min. Lightness biased cartoon-and-texture decomposition for textile image segmentation, Neurocomputing, 2015, 168: 575-587. (SCI)"<br><br></p> |
科研项目 |
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61402290,布料图像颜色迁移中细节保持方法研究,2015/01-2017/12,24万,已结题,主持 <br>2. 广东省教育厅青年创新人才(自然类)项目,2014KQNCX134,结构-纹理图像分割模型和算法研究, 2015/01-2016/12,4万,已结题,主持<br> |