
时间:2023-09-07 09:09

成员情况:团队成员共17人,其中教授2人、副教授7人、助理教授/ 讲师7人,专职研究员1人,包括深圳市“孔雀计划”海外高层次人才6人,深圳市地方级人才1人,深圳市后备人才2人。




● 数理统计: 高维数据分析,因果推断,测量误差,纵向数据,充分性降维。

● 生物统计: 生存分析,分类判别,统计遗传学,meta 分析。

● 概率金融: 大偏差理论,保险精算,金融统计。

科研项目:近五年,团队成员主持国家自然科学基金国家面上项目2项、社科面上项目1项,青年项目6项; 广东省面上项目4 项,深圳市项目4 项。


1.Bing Li, Songqiao Wen, Lixing Zhu, On a projective resampling method for dimension reduction with multivariate responses, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2008, 103(483): 1177-1186.

2.Yan Zhou, Xiang Wan, Baoxue Zhang, Tiejun Tong, Classifying next generation sequencing data using a zero-inflated poisson model, Bioinformatics, 2018, 34(8): 1329-1335.

3.Jiangzhou Wang, Jingfei Zhang, Binghui Liu, Ji Zhu, and Jianhua Guo, Fast network community detection with profile-pseudo likelihood methods, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2022, 1-14.

4.Deng Pan, Haijin He, Xinyuan Song, Liuquan Sun, Regression analysis of additive hazards model with latent variables, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2015, 110: 1148-1159.

5.Zongliang Hu, Tiejun Tong, Marc G. Genton, Diagonal likelihood ratio test for equality of mean vectors in high-dimensional data, Biometrics, 2019, 75: 256-267.
